
Starcrossed is an endless multiplayer arcade game in which you cooperate with another player to try to save Earth. This game was submitted to the February 2022 Game Jam for the Gamecraft club. For this project we were given 48 hours of development time and the theme was "Attraction." Links to the GitHub and Itch.io page are below

Earth Controller
PlayerController (Particles)
Particle Prefabs

The earth controller is a fundamental gameplay feature of the game. If the earth collides with any other object, it checks the tag of the object it collided with and fails the game. The checks help determine which animations to play upon collision, freezes all object with a 2D rigidbody, and tells the game controller that we have entered a failstate.

Player Controller
I worked on the particle/collision aspect of the player controller. On start we find the game controller, audio manager, and earth objects. When colliding with an asteroid, the player becomes increases the radius of the particle effects and the rate of emission for those particles. This in turn makes the gravity radius more apparent without increasing the physical size of the black hole. In addition, the audio manager plays a random sound from a set range of sounds to add variety to the sound effects.

Particle Prefabs
I worked on the prefabricated particle effects. These particles are derived from sprites created by our talented sprite artists Jed Bynum and Jason Chang. These sprites utilize Unity's particle creation system and each particle is used for different objects throughout the game.