Moonblight is a boss rush survival game made during the March 2022 Game Jam in the Gamecraft club. During this game jam we had 48 hours to make a game with the theme "Moonlight Sonata" hence the name Moonblight. Links to the Github and Itch.io are below

This is a snippet from the audio manager code I developed. It controls several properties relating to individual sounds. Examples include volume, pitch, if it loops, and other factors such as the distance you can hear audio from.
Audio System
Boss Control
Random Movement AI
Sound Fading System
This code segment is checked to see whether each boss should move randomly, chase the player or stay still. This is setup so we can enable each boss by passing in these properties

For this script, I used a plugin called AIStarAI in order to generate random points within the radius of a circle. The boss is setup to move in a particular radius randomly and set a Vector3 for the boss to move towards. There is an update method that ensure that whenever a Vector3 is reached it picks a new random point to move towards